India is among the countries opposed to an EU law that makes all airlines pay for carbon they emit on flights to and from Europe

Aviation Minister Ajit Singh has urged Asia Pacific regulators to oppose measures like the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, calling it "unilateral". "We would request the delegates to oppose any unilateral environment measures imposed by a state or group like the EU ETS and work with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) to evolve global environment protection on the basis of equity and consensus," Singh told a conference of Asia Pacific aviation regulators on Monday.

This paper suggests that vulnerable countries may benefit from considering strategies beyond the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol and highlights new proposals about reparations under international law.

Urban land-cover change threatens biodiversity and affects ecosystem productivity through loss of habitat, biomass, and carbon storage. However, despite projections that world urban populations will increase to nearly 5 billion by 2030, little is known about future locations, magnitudes, and rates of urban expansion. Here we develop spatially explicit probabilistic forecasts of global urban land-cover change and explore the direct impacts on biodiversity hotspots and tropical carbon biomass.

In the lead-up to the UN climate negotiations in Doha, the latest information on the level and growth of CO2 emissions, their source and geographic distribution will be essential to lay the foundation for a global agreement.

The JMP Rapid assessment of drinking-water quality (RADWQ) was conceived by WHO and UNICEF to explore the quality of drinking-water from "improved" sources.

This policy brief is largely based on the World Atlas of Mangroves (2010) which provides a wealth of knowledge on the ecology, biodiversity, distribution, economic value, and management status of mangroves around the world.

This recent CDP analysis provides investors with critical information on how companies identify, manage and mitigate risks and opportunities related to water. It also gives examples of how companies may improve their water management through collective action.

This report examines what governments and international donor organizations mean when they refer to the so-called sustainable intensification of agriculture, and whether it represents a change in direction for agriculture.

This new WHO report provides scientific information on the connections between weather and climate and major health challenges. These range from diseases of poverty to emergencies arising from extreme weather events and disease outbreaks.

This briefing gives a summary of how agrofuels impact food prices and what this means for the world’s poorest people.
