Quoting a joint analysis undertaken by the OECD and the IEA, G-20 leaders committed in September 2009 to ―rationalize and phase out over the medium term inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption.

This report aims to propose ideas for CDM reform, targeting international negotiators of the CDM. The Market Mechanism Group of IGES has been implementing IGES CDM capacity building activities in Asia as well as developing IGES CDM databases for quantitative analysis.

Environment and Human Health gives a comprehensive review of the related literature in order to aid understanding of the (missing) link between the environment and health. Given the exhaustive literature on the subject the paper focuses on the water‐related and land‐related diseases namely in the fast growing and poor countries.

This report finds that bioenergy’s water demands are in large part linked with the cultivation and processing of feedstocks, such as crops, which in turn have important implications for sustainable agriculture, land use and food production.

The growth of the earth’s urban population and areas continues as a major demographic trend; it is projected that 70 % of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. Urban growth today is most rapid in developing countries, where cities gain an average of 5 million residents each month.

Against the current challenges to enhance food security worldwide, the publication aims at illustrating the importance of healthy ecosystems for the provisioning of key services that contribute to food security. Such ecosystem services are water provisioning and food production.

This paper aims to examine the justification for specific energy efficiency policies in economies with carbon pricing in place. The paper begins with an inventory of existing market failures that attempt to explain the limited uptake of energy efficiency.

Debate about America

There is a view that we are now in the midst of the emergence of a new world food regime, characterised by three important and interrelated features – the rise of large corporate food empires with oligopolistic powers over entire food supply chains, the growing dominance of cash crops at the expense of food agriculture and the closer alignment of domestic market prices with internati

Global consumer products makers relying on Asia Pacific and Latin America to make up for flat sales in US and Europe

Consumer durables, automobiles, food and personal care products have the maximum growth potential in the country as multinationals shift focus to Asia Pacific and Latin America to drive up their sales, says a study.

And Indian consumers will maintain their spending spree d
