This report focuses on the impact of the evolution of the world oil price on the cost of future GHG mitigation measures. Projections of the cost of mitigation policies are a key input for national and international negotiations on future mitigation of GHG emissions among public policy makers and other stakeholders.

Even as automakers and suppliers struggle with the effects of a severe economic downturn, the global movement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions continues to gain momentum. This report is based on an 18-month research project into potential measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the use of passenger vehicles.

UN-HABITAT has an important role in supporting institutions, professionals and the private sector in the housing and construction sector to mitigate climate change, writes Mohamed El Sioufi, Head of UN-HABITAT

The report, entitled "Sea Change: US Climate Policy Prospects Under the Obama Administration", provides an analysis of climate policy prospects under the Obama administration and was produced for the Swedish Government's Sustainability Commission in preparation for the upcoming Swedish EU Presidency and the Swedish leadership of the COP15 EU delegation in December 2009.

China has suggested that carbon emissions incurred during the manufacture of exported goods should the shouldered by the country where they are consumed.

Low-carbon fuel production is a recognizable need if the world is to kick its dependence on petroleum-based fuels and reduce the release of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and other emissions into the atmosphere. But fuel designers face challenges with chemistry and component reactions if they truly are to bring cleaner-burning fuels to fruition.

A carbon dioxide emission limit for power plants should apply to both new and existing installations if it is to have a significant impact on reducing emissions by 2030, according to a study published by environmental consultants Ecofys.

The Clinton Climate Initiative says that cities produce 80 percent of the world

The approach to determine national baselines for measuring reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) has emerged as central to negotiations over a REDD mechanism in a post- Kyoto policy framework. The baseline approach is critical

This report seeks to inform critical questions with regard to policy mixes of investments in adaptation and mitigation, and how they might vary over time.
