
South Asia needs up to $2.5 trillion of investment in infrastructure by 2020 if the region is to make further gains in battling poverty and provide for its growing population, the World Bank said o

To be on the lines of Cabinet Committee on Investments for speedy decision making

The Planning Commission is firming up a proposal for setting up a Cabinet committee on transport, a move that could lead to speedy decision making in the sector. The proposed committee will be on the lines of Cabinet Committee on Investments (CCI) that was established last year. A decision, however, will be taken only by the new Planning Commission, which will be constituted after the April-May general elections.

‘Can’t Grow By Neglecting Poor Or Business’

New Delhi: Even as a “communal versus secular” battle promises to remain the main motif of the 2014 election, Congress has sought to counter criticism that it presided over a slowing economy by balancing its “welfare” instincts with an outreach to business.

In a bid to devise more accurate traffic management plans, the BMC is now using traffic count machines to get real-time data of traffic on roads and study traffic patterns in the city.

Using the machines, data will be gathered for purposes such as traffic studies, and basic proposed projects for road-widening and other major infrastructure projects.

This Congress manifesto titled 'Your voice, our pledge' released for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections focuses on inclusive growth, agriculture, education and health.

The World Water Development Report 2014 focuses on the interdependence between the management of water and energy and says that a sustainable approach to the management of both freshwater and energy resources is extremely essential to provide modern, affordable and environmentally sound energy and drinking water services for all.

New independent evalution office begins study of this and rural job guarantee schemes

Tamil Nadu has the best record in completion of projects and Gujarat in reforming urban laws under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission. This is the initial assessment of the new Independent Evaluation Office, under the Planning Commission. Bihar has been the worst performer on both.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to avert potentially disastrous global climate change requires substantial redevelopment of infrastructure systems. Cities are recognized as key actors for leading such climate change mitigation efforts. We have studied the greenhouse gas inventories and underlying characteristics of 22 global cities. These cities differ in terms of their climates, income, levels of industrial activity, urban form and existing carbon intensity of electricity supply.

Engineers India Limited (EIL) is diversifying into areas such as water and waste water management, nuclear and solar power and green infrastructure to increase its revenues.

EIL chairman and managing director AK Purwaha said the company has taken this initiative to drive growth by leveraging its experience and technological knowhow.

A study sponsored by the Planning Commission shows that Haryana, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh are the top three industry-friendly states in the country. Orissa is at the fourth position, and Andhra Pradesh the fifth.

Of the states in the top five positions, two were ruled by the Congress — Haryana and Andhra Pradesh — and two by the BJP, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Orissa has a BJD government.
