Transboundary rivers are increasingly being drawn upon to meet the needs of growing populations and economies. This increased pressure on the available water resources sharpens competing
demands between countries, rural and urban areas, different user groups, and the river ecosystems themselves. The challenge is to balance these competing demands in a way that is equitable and

All transboundary water bodies create hydrological, social and economic interdependencies between societies. They are vital for economic development, reducing poverty and contributing to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.

This book brings together current knowledge and cutting edge interdisciplinary perspectives from renowned scholars on the histories, politics, ecologies and cultures of water in South Asia. It explores the complexities of the issues and challenges thrown up by contemporary water management practices in the South Asian region.

Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of human social systems. Given the central importance of water resources to all human communities, it is natural that conflicts arise with regard to access, allocation, development and management of the resource. This training manual is compiled from many training courses held by partner networks of Cap-Net.

Barely a week after the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez threatened to halt oil shipments to the us, the socialist leader has sent a placatory message, saying the country is not preparing to cut

There is fresh trouble in the Doha round with an attempt to broker a deal at all costs

>> Chadians could go hungry despite bumper crops, notes an

Surface and groundwater that cross international boundaries present increased challenges to regional stability because hydrologic needs can often be overwhelmed by political considerations. While the potential for paralyzing disputes is especially high in these basins, history shows that water can catalyze dialogue and cooperation, even between especially contentious riparians. There are 263 rivers around the world that cross the boundaries of two or more nations, and untold number of international groundwater aquifers. In order to understand the long term implications of transboundary water management, and the potential for future conflict and cooperation, it is critical to assess what the indicators and triggers are of such processes currently, then evaluate their prospects for the future.

Power to the people: The Sri Lankan government has started working on a five-year national plan on power and energy development to provide quality service at cheaper rates and to solve the country's

Pakistan has put on hold a meet to bring together scientists from India, Pakistan and China to discuss setting up a science park at Siachen glacier since the Karakoram range in the Himalaya has been
