The group of world's eight most powerful industrialised countries, the G8, which controls more than 60 per cent of the world's economy, has declared it will "consider seriously' steps to deal with

Tradable emissions permits are a popular, but inferior, way to tackle global warming
THE pressure for political action on climate change has never looked stronger. Even George Bush has now joined the leaders of other rich countries in their quest to negotiate a successor regime to the Kyoto protocol, the treaty on curbing greenhouse gases that expires in 2012.

climate change was the main item of discussion in a meeting convened by the prime minister's office. The May 16 meet focussed on maintaining the current economic growth while cutting down on

on may 14, the government announced that an expert committee has been set up to study the impacts of climate change in India and identify measures to address the "vulnerability to anthropogenic

While still unwilling to commit itself to the Kyoto protocol, Australia has announced a $200 million (us $160 million) to help fight illegal logging to slow global warming. The fund, known as

Delhi 2020: They are already calling it the year without winter. From January itself, temperatures across northern India have soared to 35 degrees Celsius. Much of the Gangetic plain has been transformed into one vast dust bowl. The wheat crop has failed and farmers are committing suicide by the droves. Food riots have broken out as the government is no longer able to control the distribution.

on march 13, 2007, the uk government released a draft Climate Change Bill, the first of its kind, which will make reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the country legally binding. The bill

How do we develop economically without degrading our environment? It is necessary to address this question because a large part of environmental losses is not factored into calculations of the Indian

Indira Hiriway of the Centre for Development Alternatives in Ahmedabad has recently produced a working paper on the valuation of mangroves in Gujarat.

(The first India-European Union ministerial-level science conference took place on February 5, 2007, in New Delhi, signalling, for the first time, India's participation as an equal partner with
