A new United Nations report warns that a third of the planet’s land is now severely degraded thanks to a doubling in the consumption of natural resources over the past 30 years.

The World Bank’s goals are to eradicate extreme poverty, and boost shared prosperity in a sustainable manner.

The report provides scientifically sound practical guidance for selecting SLM (Sustainable Land Management) practices that help address DLDD (Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought), climate change adaptation and mitigation, and for creating an enabling environment for their large-scale implementation considering local realities.

Country Representative for the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has recokned that deforestation is leading to large scale land degradation, loss of biodiversity and demnisihed land producti

Lilongwe — Malawi plans to spend about $385 million by 2030 to plant trees and restore other degraded land, in an effort to reverse rampant forest losses in the country, forestry officials said thi

Knowledge is the basis for sustainable development, but successful implementation depends on understanding what works in the field and where to improve lives and the environment.

HARARE, ZIMBABWE - Two years ago, Innocent Mavhuto traded one illegal activity for another.

The State of Environment Report of Tamil Nadu provides the general profile of the State’s biophysical and socio-economic conditions. It is well known that unsustainable living styles have contributed to environmental degradation.

This overview assembles existing evidence on the ways in which tobacco affects human well-being from an environmental perspective – i.e. the indirect social and economic damage caused by the cultivation, production, distribution, consumption, and waste generated by tobacco products.

Soil degradation is a major threat for farmers of semi-arid north-central Namibia. Soil conservation practices can be promoted by the development of soil quality (SQ) evaluation toolboxes that provide ways to evaluate soil degradation. However, such toolboxes must be adapted to local conditions to reach farmers. Based on qualitative (interviews and soil descriptions) and quantitative (laboratory analyses) data, we developed a set of SQ indicators relevant for our study area that integrate farmers' field experiences (FFE) and technical knowledge.
