The Garo, Khasi and Jaintia Hills region, with its unique landscape, climatic phenomenon of heavy cloud cover and torrential rainfall, and agricultural richness involving the majority of the population, has been proposed as another National Agricultural Biodiversity Heritage Site based on six indices.

Agrobiodiversity focuses on that part of bio

In 2006, India proposed a draft rule requiring the labeling of all genetically modified (GM) foods and products derived thereof. This paper assesses the economic implications of introducing such a mandatory labeling policy for GM food. Focuses on four products that would likely be the first affected by such a regulation in India: cottonseed oil, soybean oil, brinjal (eggplant), and rice.

BHAWANIPATNA: Short supply of certified seeds has hit cultivation of pulses and oilseeds in Kalahandi. After farmers incurred heavy loss in the last kharif season due to moisture-stress condition, the Agriculture Department decided to give priority to cultivation of pulses and oilseeds in the current rabi season considering the favourable climatic conditions.

This study of the performance of agriculture at the state level in India during the post-reform period (1990-93 to 2003-06) and the immediate pre-reform period (1980-83 to 1990-93) shows that the post-reform period has been characterised by deceleration in the growth rate of crop yields as well as total agricultural output in most states.

Deficient rainfall in many parts of the country has started showing stress on the progress of sowing of kharif crops. As of the first week of July, the sowing of paddy, the major food grain crop of the season, was down by about 25 per cent compared to last year, according to latest figures released by the Ministry of Agriculture. Sowing of oilseeds was down by almost 50 per cent.

This paper sketches out the possible evolution of world food and agriculture to 2050 in terms of the key variables (production and consumption of the main commodity groups and the implications for food and nutrition in the developing countries).

Food Outlook provides information on latest developments in agricultural markets and sets the global and regional commodity production, utilization, trade and price context for food security.

The tribes of Northeast India have been using jatropha seeds to light their huts at night. It contains 35 per cent fuel and is not edible. Best of all, it thrives in degraded land. And Dl-Williamson Magor Bio Fuel, a joint venture between tea major Williamson Magor and UK-based Dl-bp Fuel Crops, has been providing seeds for contract farming in eastern and north-eastern India.

Field trials were conducted for the validation of integrated pest management (IPM) package for the castor and pigeonpea intercropping system in rainfed agro-ecosystem for the state of Andhra Pradesh, India during 2002 and 2003 seasons.
