NEW DELHI: While planners blew up crores on redeveloping some roads in the run-up to Commonwealth Games two years ago, most roads in the city are still without basic pedestrian facilities such as c

This document details the new Standard of assessing the quality of BRT systems developed by Institute for Transportation & Development Policy.

This new working paper by ICCT identifies the most effective technologies for CO2, emissions and safety measures and maps the status of regulatory programs for 2- and 3-wheeler management in Asian countries.

Urban mobility has different dimensions. Mobility is due to various purposes and needs. It encompasses movability by public, private and personalised modes, and manoeuvrability through the facilitations of various transport infrastructure and services provided by the concerned authorities. In this context, the role of various modes of public transport in a city is of paramount importance for the efficient and effective movement, but the same cannot be achieved without the modal integration of public transport in conjunction with non-motorised modes.

Two recent studies appear to expose cyclists as a potent urban menace.

This draft report by the sub-committee on urban transport proposes parameters for the National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH) . It specially addresses norms for parking and congestion charges, pedestrianization & cycling and the model regulations for integrating transport Planning with master plans.

While American cities are synchronizing green lights to improve traffic flow and offering apps to help drivers find parking, many European cities are doing the opposite: creating environments openly hostile to cars.

14 New Corridors Approved, To Have Higher Parking Fees
New Delhi: Three years after the first experiment with the bus rapid transit system flopped, the government is back with a new plan.

This new study released by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) benchmarks the pedestrian infrastructure of six Indian cities. In addition to the availability of pedestrian footpaths, it also includes other parameters such as accessibility to crossings and amenities and road safety issues, such as motorists’ behaviour towards pedestrians.

As part of CAI-Asia mission to promote better air quality and livable cities, CAI-Asia conducted an annual review of the main events relevant to air quality, climate change and transport in Asia. This review, which started on 2008 and initially focused on sustainable transport, has now expanded to include air quality and climate events.
