This document contains the brochure by EU and the European Commission, with support of Member States on specific examples of fast start funding implementation in 2010.
It presents the 1) key facts and figures on EU fast start funding 2) fast start funding in perspective 3) the EU vision on adaptation, Mitigation and REDD+.

The upcoming global mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries should include and prioritize tropical peatlands.

Over the course of 2010 we've seen international climate negotiations stalling. But at the same time we!ve seen many encouraging developments on climate action on a national level. More and more countries are recognising climate change as a real threat. A recent poll, for example, revealed that two thirds of Chinese people see climate change as one of the biggest global challenges.

The report highlights key concerns and presents recommendations on how to optimize the opportunities of forests in the region.

When it comes to deforestation, the task of reconciling climate and
development goals poses a daunting challenge. Forest clearing is both the source of significant greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change and, for some farmers, the most practical means for expanding agricultural production to meet rising food demands.

This volume of the

Maximising the effectiveness of climate finance must include steps to reduce the potential for corruption, as large influxes of resources coupled with an imperative to spend can create conditions ripe for corruption.

India stands to gain a lot from a global REDD+ mechanism. It has specifically opened the possibilities for the country to expect
compensation for its pro-conservation approach and sustainable management of forests resulting in even further increase of forest cover and thereby its forest carbon stocks.

The UNCTAD published "The Least Developed Countries Report 2010" which, among other issues, highlights the vulnerability of LDCs to climate impacts.

The overall focus of this paper is to provide a base for shaping a road map for least developed and developing countries
