South Asia is the region most vulnerable to increasing food inflation given that a large part of its population lives below or near the poverty line. An empirical analysis of the factors that could explain the increase in food inflation is presented in this paper, while the effect of food price inflation on poverty and macroeconomic stability in south Asia is considered. Along with proposing some practical policies to address the situation, regional cooperation is identified as a factor that has the potential to provide an effective solution.

A storm system that brought cold, wet weather to much of the United States last week helped ease drought in many states, but some areas that were most in need of moisture were missed, according to

The ban orders issued by the Sirsa district authorities against the burning of paddy straw appear to have disappeared in smoke as farmers have been burning paddy straw in their fields with impunity

India, which relies heavily on the monsoon rains for its vital agriculture sector, may suffer “frequent and severe” failures in its monsoon system due to global warming in next 200 years, a new res

The Indian monsoon is likely to fail more often in the next 200 years threatening food supplies, unless governments agree how to limit climate change, a study showed on Tuesday.

New Delhi In a bid to check diversion of foodgrains to the open market, the food ministry is planning to launch a cash transfer system for poor families. The plan, a first, will be done under the public distribution system (PDS) in six union territories in the next three months.

Officials sources told FE the cash transfer plan under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) would be launched for the first time in Chandigarh, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu.

New Delhi The Centre’s plan to introduce the National Food Security Bill, which envisages distribution of subsidised foodgrains to more than 63% of the population, in the upcoming winter season of

Phytolith occluded carbon (PhytOC) which is stable in the soil environment is considered to be an important
fraction of soil organic carbon and substantially contributes to the terrestrial carbon sequestration for long periods (millennia). Phytoliths are silica bodies produced by plants as a result of biomineralization process. During this process, occlusion of carbon also takes place within the phytoliths. Some of the major agricultural crops like barley, maize, rice, sorghum, sugarcane and wheat are known to be prolific producers of phytolith and PhytOC. In India, an estimate

Hybrid seeds, including biotech seeds, represent new business opportunities in India based on yield improvement, according to Usha Barwale Zehr, chief technology officer of Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company.

“Approximately 7,000 plant species are estimated to be used for human consumption, of which just four crops - wheat, maize, rice and potato - provide half of the total world food production and 15 crops contribute two-thirds. Many of these crops are grown in India, which has the potential to become a major producer of biotech rice and vegetables,” she told Business Standard.

If seed becomes a monopoly in the hands of a few multi-national corporations, it would mean destruction of biodiversity, said activist and environmentalist Vandana Shiva, calling upon people to joi
