IFITM3 is critical for limiting the severity of influenza virus infections in humans and mice. Optimal antiviral activity of IFITM3 is achieved when it is present at high levels within cells. Our results indicate that the E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDD4 decreases baseline IFITM3 levels by ubiquitinating IFITM3 and promoting its turnover. Depleting NEDD4 from cells results in IFITM3 accumulation and greater resistance to infection by influenza viruses.

Estimate the amount of alcohol advertising in sport vs. non-sport programming in Australian free-to-air TV and identify children’s viewing audience composition at different times of the day. Alcohol advertising and TV viewing audience data were purchased for free-to-air sport and non-sport TV in Australia for 2012. We counted alcohol advertisements in sport and non-sport TV in daytime (6am-8.29pm) and evening periods (8.30pm-11.59pm) and estimated viewing audiences for children and young adults (0–4 years, 5–13 years, 14–17 years, 18–29 years).

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) affects the earth’s radiation balance and global climate. High-elevation areas are sensitive to global climate change. However, at present, SOA origins and seasonal variations are understudied in remote high-elevation areas.

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The European Parliament recently called for urgent measures to halve food waste in the EU, where consumers are responsible for a major part of total waste along the food supply chain. Due to a lack of data on national food waste statistics, uncertainty in (consumer) waste quantities (and the resulting associated quantities of natural resources) is very high, but has never been previously assessed in studies for the EU.

An observational analysis of the catastrophic rainstorm during 4–6 September 2014 over Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) presented in this study shows that the event was unprecedented in terms of the 24, 48 and 72 h accumulated rainfall. The 24 h accumulated rainfall exceeded the previously determined one-day severe rainstorm limits of 20 cm for a number of stations on 5 and 6 September 2014.

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The 2005 Kashmir earthquake of magnitude Mw 7.6 produced 75 km surface rupture showing 3–7 m vertical offset. The surface rupture nearly coinciding with the bedrock geology-defined Balakot-Bagh Fault (BBF) indicates reactivation of the fault. The BBF extends SE with right-step to the Reasi Thrust in Jammu region. Further SE extension of the Reasi Thrust has been mapped with different nomenclature to the 1905 Kangra earthquake meizoseismal region, suggesting linkage between the earthquake and the active fault.

External gamma dose rate measurement using thermoluminescent dosimeter has been performed along the southern coast of Odisha, eastern India. A total of nine villages from the three sectors, viz. Gopalpur, Chhatrapur and Rushikulya have been selected for the study.

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Heavy metals are found naturally in micro quantities in all aquatic systems. In fact, some of them are essential micronutrients for living organisms. However, they became highly toxic to the organisms when present in higher concentrations. These metal concentrations have been altered in the ecosystem by indiscriminate anthropogenic activities and dispersed into the water as well as sediment column . The metal contaminants in aquatic systems usually remain either in soluble or suspension form and are taken up by the organisms living in them.

Several traditional rice varieties are considered in folk medicine to have high nutritive and therapeutic value. Some of these land races are known in indigenous cultures to cure anaemia in women during and after pregnancy9 , and many of them (e.g. Kalabhat, Navara, Norungan, etc.) are now known to contain high levels of iron . Thousands of folk rice landraces are yet to be screened for their micronutrients content and therapeutic potential.

Stabilizing smallholder crop yields under changing climatic conditions in subSaharan Africa will require adaptation strategies focused on soil and water management. Impact studies of climate change on crop yields often ignore the potential of adaptation strategies such as rainwater harvesting (RWH). While RWH is bringing benefits to agricultural systems today, it is still unclear which regions could increasingly benefit from RWH under changing climatic conditions.
