This report is based on a series of 15 international case studies conducted between September and November 2008 under a joint initiative of FAO and the PISCES Energy Research Programme Consortium funded by DFID. The case studies focussed on developing an improved understanding of the linkages between Livelihoods and small-scale bioenergy initiatives.

This report responds to a request from Senator Jeff Sessions for an analysis of the environmental and energy efficiency attributes of light-duty diesel vehicles.

The world faces no greater challenge in the 21st century than arresting the rapidly increasing accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause climate change. The two largest

Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO panel of experts on pesticide residues in food and the environment and the WHO core assessment group on pesticide residues held at Rome from 9-18 Sep 2008.

This paper presents the findings of a study that appraises and compares different models of public-private partnership (PPP) in rural infrastructure development. The study was commissioned by the Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries (AGS) Division of FAO, under its normative programme on Rural Infrastructure Development.

This guideline provides a set of priority principles on fire management, which is an essential component of sustainable forest management.

This report notes that the global financial crisis is expected to reverse the MDG achievements made by some countries thus far and to impair future MDG progress. The report warns that, although the Millennium Development Goals are still reachable by 2015, a reduction of investments for social services may limit this option.

The primary objective of this report is to provide practical guidance to World Bank teams advising on the design and implementation of reforms of urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) sectors. The reform of urban WSS sectors is needed to increase access to the infrastructure, improve efficiency of operations, and enhance the reliability, sustainability and affordability of the service.

There are some things that can be arrived at, through deliberation, while there are a few

This Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change Workforce Needs Assessment Survey was created to uncover some of the unique challenges facing this growing and diverse industry and, specifically, to obtain data regarding industry perceptions, growth projections, workforce needs, policy responses, favored/disfavored protocols, human capital needs and training practices, and other key developments related to
