These rules may be called the Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, 2009. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

The Dhamra Port project in Orissa has attracted considerable attention due to its proximity to vulnerable Olive Ridley turtle nesting grounds. The question is - can large infrastructure projects like this be environmentally sustainable? In a breakthrough workshop held by IUCN, developers and environmentalists have joined together to tackle this complex and controversial issue.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has initiated work on a Special Report entitled

The Australian Government proposes an unconditional target of reducing 2000 year net emissions by 5%, and would make a 15% cut if other developed nations make similar commitments. These targets are indefensible on the basis of the latest science.

This working paper summarizes key innovations and challenges of the Clean Technology Fund. It analyzes the investment plans that the Fund has endorsed to date, and makes the case for greater emphasis on institutional capacity and governance in program design.

From climate change adaptation to the energy and food crunch, from the MDGs to the Right to Water, this illustrated report pinpoints the key issues that were discussed in Istanbul and the different perspectives in addressing those questions. It aims to improve everyone

Ecosystem services are fundamental for human well-being, and are the basis of rural livelihoods, in particular for the poor. Rainwater harvesting can serve as an opportunity to enhance ecosystem productivity, thereby improving livelihoods, human well-being and economies. Rainwater harvesting has been shown to create synergies in landscape management and human well-being.

This paper highlights the interlinkages between the water and energy sectors and points out the effects that climate change has on the provision of energy and water resources as well as providing guidance and inspiration for policy makers. Far from giving a pessimistic outlook on the energy future in the climate

The paper broadly examines the core trade interests of the EU and India, the content of the negotiations and outlines some key concerns of a potential deal for India in the areas of goods, services and investments, intellectual property rights and government procurement.

The elections to the 15th Lok Sabha are being held at a time when the country faces serious threat to its economic and political independence due to right-ward shift in economic policies under the garb of economic neo-liberalism and pro-imperialist tilt in the foreign policy. This is under the dubious slogan of building strategic partnership with the USA.
