The impact of black carbon emissions on human health and climate are of global interest. Despite this, black carbon emission factors for marine engines and fuels are uncertain because of the challenges of measuring black carbon emissions.

Analyzes the various fiscal incentive mechanisms available in India at a national and state level for hybrid and electric vehicles, and evaluates the relative contribution of such incentives in making these technologies cost-competitive in the Indian market, particularly in context to the central government’s flagship scheme, Faster Adoption and

This paper assesses the fleet characteristics and technology adoption of India’s ligh tcommercial vehicle (LCV) market during fiscal year (FY) 2014-15. The assessment

The market for agricultural tractors and construction equipment in India is growing rapidly. Without further regulatory action to control emissions from these sources, they are expected to surpass on-road vehicles as the predominant transportation-related source of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the next 10-15 years.

Annual statistical portrait of technologies, fuel consumption, and GHG and pollutant emissions in Europe's passenger car, light-commercial, and heavy-duty fleets.

Annual statistical portrait of technologies, fuel consumption, and GHG and pollutant emissions in Europe's passenger car, light-commercial, and heavy-duty fleets.

The European Commission is preparing to extend the European Union's CO2 emissions regulation for passenger cars and light-commercial vehicles out to 2025–2030.

The European Commission has proposed the world’s toughest emission standards for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM), which will tighten restrictions and set stricter limits on emissions of particulate matter (PM). The Stage V emission standards will phase in as early as 2018 for approval of new engine types, and in 2019 for all sales.

This report analyzes emerging electric vehicle technologies in terms of the models offered, electric range, battery capacity, and battery cost across major global markets. The analysis is based on public automaker and supplier announcements, as well as research by academic and energy laboratory research.

Details how implementing well-tested policy measures can help drive forward the necessary innovations and could reduce the total CO2 emissions of the LDV fleet in Turkey by about 36% compared to a business-as-usual scenario.
