The policy assessment findings that emerge from the report intends to deliver a strategic summary of the current policy frameworks on water resources and climate change among major donor organizations (DANIDA, DFID, DGIS, GTZ, SDS, and USAID) and indicate areas that could be strengthened and/or gaps to fill in these two policy areas.

While efforts to integrate climate change adaptation will be led by developing country partners, international donors have a critical role to play in supporting such efforts as well as in integrating consideration of adaptation within their own plans and activities.This policy guidance paper advices on how to facilitate the integration of adaptation within development processes.


The good intentions of governments and donors to ensure long-term food security for all may be melting away in the face of the current global financial and economic crisis.

This new report by Oxfam International calls on governments and donor countries to prioritise investments in agriculture as a way of fighting poverty. It says that investing in agriculture will also help to ensure food security and mitigating climate change.

This Press release is on the report "Closing the Gaps" launched by the Commission on Climate Change and Development on May 14 at the United Nations. The report offers recommendations to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable countries and communities.

Many global health programmes erroneously claim to strengthen national health systems, a study has found.

The need for developing countries to address issues of adapting to and mitigating climate change is both urgent and evident, as the impact of climate change grows daily. Yet they have competing immediate development and poverty reduction expenditure demands, and have recently been faced with food, fuel and financial crises.

Book>> AID and Other Dirty Business

This article presents data illustrating the networked structure of the water sector in two Nile Basin states, Egypt and Ethiopia. Social network analysis is applied to quantify network
