ARTI (Appropriate Rural Technology Institute) developed a compact biogas system, which uses feedstock in the form of sugar, protein, fat or cellulose. It produces 1 kg biogas per kg of feedstock taking only about 24 hours to complete the reaction.

Schooling the national imagination by Shalini Advani, Oxford University Press, Rs 575 How do textbooks define social roles and influence the way people look at themselves and others? Discussing the national education policy, Advani tracks the trajectory of state-produced school textbooks Amulya Reddy, Citizen Scientist by S Ravi Rajan, Orient Blackswan, Rs 795 Amulya K N Reddy was a

A decision support system for canal water releases (CWREDSS) was developed to provide demand-based optimal canal water releases for reducing the gap between canal supplies and demands for increasing the water-use efficiency in canal command areas. The

Techniques to improve the nutritional content and processing of crops are better spread using video, suggests a programme in Benin.

This article reviews work that had the objective of introducing agricultural technologies in a marginal dryland area, the Khanasser Valley, northwestern Syria. The highly variable rainfall is barely sufficient to support livelihoods in this traditional barley

Crude oil in the form of marine spills has always given governments, environmentalists and oil companies more than a dozen reasons to worry. Spilled on the ocean surface, it is known to cause immediate and long-term damage that is likely to

The concept of Soleckshaw owes its genesis to the realization that the dignity of human labour needs to be upheld and that all mechanical devices must be designed to decrease human labour and emission of pollutants. But human energy is the best non-pollutant as evident by the use of millions of bicycles in China and India.

What big buck corporation calls innovation can be the common man

The M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation undertook a study on the

This toolkit explains the principles of doing business in poverty-stricken areas, offers a step-by-step business development approach and provides practical tools, tips and background information. The toolkit is based on the experience of entrepreneurs in the water and sanitation sector in India, but is equally applicable to markets in other countries.
