Aquaculture is widely considered to have the potential to reduce poverty and enhance food security.

India has 18% of the world’s population, 1.15 billion people, but access to only 4% of world’s fresh water resources. In the recent past, the dependency of Indian agriculture on ground water resources has increased upto an enormous extent due to several factors including increased demand of food, erratic behavior of monsoon, developmental pressure of various allied sectors etc.

The present study was conducted in order to monitor the presence of in extensive and modified extensive shrimp culture systems. In extensive system, count ranged from 180 to 380 cfu ml-1 and 187 to 668 ml in modified extensive system. In the present study sediment registered highest load in both systems (1725-2708 cfu g and 2019 to 5699 cfu g ). In extensive system, percentage distribution of in water was 6.5, 7.2 and 16.6%, respectively, for pre monsoon, monsoon and post monsoon. In, modified extensive system, in water, percentage distribution of V.

Application of better management practices through intensification of existing aquaculture systems with emphasis on BMP is therefore, the main approach for improving the environmental performance of aquaculture.

With the world’s population expected to reach 8.2 billion people by 2030, and with 842 million people estimated as having been undernourished in the period 2011–13, food supply will present a growing challenge in the next two decades.

This fourth edition of the United Nations progress report on the state of global biodiversity calls for bold and accelerated innovative global action to meet the globally-agreed strategic plan for bio

Two categories of evolutionary challenges result from escalating human impacts on the planet. The first arises from cancers, pathogens and pests that evolve too quickly, and the second from the inability of many valued species to adapt quickly enough. Applied evolutionary biology provides a suite of strategies to address these global challenges that threaten human health, food security, and biodiversity.

This, the twelfth edition of the `Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2014’, contains useful information on various aspects of the fisheries sector. The importance of this sector in the socio economic development of the countries is well known.

The fact that oceans and seas matter for sustainable development is undeniable. Oceans and seas cover over two thirds of the earth's surface, provide food and minerals, generate oxygen, absorb greenhouse gases and keep in check climate change, determine weather patterns and temperatures, and serve as highways for sea-borne international trade.

The Republic of Kiribati is a vast South Pacific island group with one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the world. Kiribati waters support a wealth of marine fisheries activities.
