Global investors and business leaders are focusing on Africa as the next frontier of growth and opportunity, assuming the role that Asia has played in the past 30 years. As in Asia, rapidly developing economies have the potential to lift millions of people out of poverty, contribute to global labour pools, and create a new consuming class.

How have household incomes evolved since the onset of the financial crisis in UK? How has the gap between rich and poor changed? How have living standards changed over time for different parts of the population? How many people are in poverty and which groups are most likely to face poverty?

The Planning Commission has periodically estimated poverty lines and poverty ratios for each of the years for which Large Sample Surveys on Household Consumer Expenditure have been conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

In June 2012, the Planning Commission constituted an Expert Group under the Chairmanship of Dr. C. Rangarajan to review the methodology for Measurement of Poverty. On June 30th 2014, Dr. C. Rangarajan, Chairman of the Expert Group has submitted the Report.

This fifth edition of Global Strategic Trends (GST 5) aims to describe possible futures to provide a strategic context for policy- and decision-makers across Government. Thirteen broad thematic areas have been identified,

Energy is important both for economic development, but it also plays a major role in improving conditions at the household level. The notion of an energy poverty line is well accepted around the world. There is a large body of literature on how to measure income poverty and the reliability of alternate measures.

Household consumption of various goods and services in India 2011-12. The report is based on information collected during 2011-12 from 101651 households in 7469 villages and 5268 urban blocks spread over the entire country.

The emerging markets of India, Brazil, and China in particular, have been the story of the century so far, with rapid economic development driving poverty reduction and rising prosperity on an unprecedented scale. Meanwhile, having recovered from a profound financial crisis, most of the developed world is starting to return to solid growth.

While rural-rural migration continues to be the largest in terms of magnitude, this paper published by Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research documents an increase in two-way commuting across rural and urban areas.

The free stand-alone software ADePT-FSM is a very useful tool that has been developed to facilitate food consumption data processing and generate statistics at national and subnational levels.
