Equity and ambition are two issues at the core of the climate negotiations, and they are inextricably linked. Ambition, in the sense of ensuring sufficient mitigation efforts to avoid dangerous interference with the climate system, is a necessary condition to avoid highly inequitable outcomes.

The nexus between water, energy and food (WEF) security is a critical component of human well-being, and billions of dollars are spent annually on investments intended to ensure that it is adequately addressed.

This comprehensive brief explains why vector-borne diseases merit global attention. It provides detail on the vectors and the diseases they cause. It outlines the various methods of prevention and control of such diseases and the challenges that the public health community faces in tackling them.

This report summarises the outcomes of a pilot project launched by the World Energy Council Knowledge Network on Energy Efficient Technologies. This work, focused on technologies, complements the well-established WEC work on Energy Efficiency Policies and databases on Energy Efficiency Indicators and Policy measures.

This report provides a concise summary of the elements necessary for integrating REDD+ into a Green Economy. It provides policymakers with innovative ideas for supporting economic development while maintaining or increasing forest cover.

National and corporate/facility level GHG inventory systems can help countries address climate change. However, these systems are often developed independently of each other, and confusion exists regarding the purpose of and need for each inventory type.

This working paper explores the question of target “time frame” and its implications for the generation and use of tradable emissions units.

The increased production of genetically modified crops around the globe has led to a higher number of incidents of low levels of GMOs being detected in traded food and feed.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has created a line of publications aimed at offering focused guidance on the development of national strategies and roadmaps that can help accelerate the deployment of low carbon technologies. The first issue deals with wind energy.

This paper by Simon Maxwell, Executive Chair of CDKN, offers a five-point plan on how to win the public and policy argument on climate change.
