The global 2013 Energy Sustainability Index covering 129 countries in this report published by the World Energy Council provides public and private decision-makers with a key tool to assess the sustainability of a country’s energy system and ability for peer group comparisons.

India (22%) and Nigeria (13%) together account for more than one-third of all deaths of children under the age of five according to this new report released by UNICEF, WHO, World Bank & the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division.

The 2013 World Population Data Sheet offers detailed information on 20 population, health, and environment indicators for more than 200 countries. This year's data include: wealth and income disparity, HIV/AIDS prevalence, percent of population with access to improved sanitation, and more.

To understand the core processes and benchmarks that can transform cities into superior places to live and work, McKinsey developed and analyzed a comprehensive database of urban economic, social, and environmental performance indicators.

The authors analyze the relationship between food security and trade, focusing on food importers’ exposure to sudden market failures from relying on a narrow range of international suppliers. They compute a bilateral import penetration index (BIPI), which gauges the degree to which a country depends on another for food imports.

This latest edition of the World health report focuses on the importance of research in advancing progress towards universal health coverage and also identifies the benefits of increased investment in health research.

The present report was prepared in response to the General Assembly resolution 66/205, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its sixty-eighth session on the status of sustainable development in mountain regions.

This new paper bu Global Water Partnership presents an overview of the benefits of urban groundwater use, together with some insidious and persistent problems that groundwater can present for urban development.

This joint IEA and UNDP report shares best practices and lessons learned among IEA member countries and non-IEA countries in improving energy efficiency in the building sector.

The majority of chronically poor people are economically active but the poor quality of that work, including its low-pay, dangerous conditions, insecurity and irregularity means that this work frequently maintains people in poverty rather than enabling poverty escapes.
