This major publication on best practice in nutrition tackles the wide-ranging issues like- stunting, food insecurity, hidden hunger, obesity and puts the topic of nutrition security on the agenda of policy-makers, academics, private sector organizations and the civil society.

This new Springer publication describes and analyses multiple dimensions of urbanization, focusing on how the processes affect patterns of biodiversity and ecosystem services within as well as outside city boundaries.

This is the fourth report in a series of comprehensive studies of internet freedom around the globe and covers developments in 60 countries that occurred between May 2012 and April 2013. Indicates that internet freedom worldwide is in decline, with 34 out of 60 countries including India, assessed in the report experiencing a negative trajectory during the coverage period.

The end of the world is coming – but not for a while yet. That’s according to a new study indicating that we have 1.75 billion years left until Mother Earth gives up the ghost.

Understanding global seasonal patterns of Kawasaki disease (KD) may provide insight into the etiology of this vasculitis that is now the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children in developed countries worldwide. Data from 1970-2012 from 25 countries distributed over the globe were analyzed for seasonality. The number of KD cases from each location was normalized to minimize the influence of greater numbers from certain locations.

The efforts of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol have, over the last 25 years, translated scientific realities into political decisions leading to concrete action on the ground.

This second edition of "Vital Ozone Graphics" includes details on the latest decisions taken by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to accelerate the phase out of HCFCs and outlines the implications this has on the use of replacement chemicals.

Mean global warming of 2 degrees, the target set by the international community, is projected to expose an additional 8 percent of humankind to new or increased water scarcity says this new study published by scientists of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in the journal "Environmental Research Letters".

Fifty of the 500 largest listed companies in the world are responsible for nearly three quarters of the group’s 3.6 billion metric tons of GHG emissions find this new report released by Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). It provides the most authoritative evaluation of corporate progress on climate change in 2013 from data collected by CDP.

CDP analysis reveal lack of action on emissions by top FTSE Global 500 corporations.
