This Guidebook was developed by the World Bank and DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability to provide guidance to cities and urban practitioners on designing and implementing a Low Carbon City Development Program (LCCDP) that complies with the LCCDP Assessment Protocol.

Bridging the Gap has released a newly updated publication reviewing the NAMA intentions communicated to the UNFCCC from a land transport perspective. The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the numbers of transport NAMAs submitted to the UNFCCC and additionally some examples of transport NAMAs that are yet to be submitted.

This publication is intended to enable national policy makers and other stakeholders, such as the private sector and technical experts, to acquaint themselves with the concept of NAMA.

MRV – Measurement/Monitoring, Reporting and Verification - is commonly understood as a series of processes to quantify GHG emission and their change over time. It is a key instrument to understand the level of emissions and the impact of actions aimed at changing emission levels.

A summary of the proceedings from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar, and their significance for the land transport sector.

REDD+ has become an important component in the discussions on climate change and forest governance, but there is further need to understand the linkages with local governance and the challenges for its implementation.

This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) framework and enhance the understanding on NAMAs by explaining the Conference of the Parties (COP) decisions in layman’s terms.

This new report released at CoP18 in Doha captures snapshot of NAMA development activities around the world and brings insights into the key topics of finance, capacity development and measurement, reporting and verification.

This brief aims to classify the MRV (Measuring or Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) system of GHG emissions/ reductions according to its object, aim, methodology and implementation body to demonstrate that there are significant differences between each type of MRV system.

The design and implementation of low-emission development plans (LEDPs) and frameworks for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) have become central elements of climate change policy in developing countries.
