The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) has released landmark research demonstrating a clear trend of expanding and accelerating climate action in the world’s megacities.Climate actions, such as implementing rigorous energy efficiency regulations for buildings, instituting bus rapid transit lines or flood mapping efforts, aim to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and improve urban resilience to climate change.

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This new study on the mobility challenges facing cities worldwide includes an update of Arthur D. Little’s Urban Mobility Index, assessing the cities in terms of mobility maturity and performance and together with UITP identifies strategic directions and recommendations for improvement.

This first-of-its kind Citizens’ Transportation Status Report 2013 for Pune released by Parisar and Save Pune Traffic Movement (SPTM) reveals the need to increase share of public and non-motorized transport in the city.

Efforts to manage Canadian cities through smart growth policies emphasize the importance of integrated public transit system and bicycle-transit integration. The goal of this paper is to review the impact of planning policies that promote utilitarian cycling on the provision of bicycle facilities (pathways, bikeways and parking) in Calgary. The focus is on new suburban communities built since the 1990s, where new policies and standards affecting cycling have been implemented.

This factsheet presents the current scenario of cycling environment in Kathmandu/Nepal, its contribution to better urban mobility, existing policies and plans for cycling infrastructures development, sharing international best practices/success stories, and recommends policies and programs to promote cycling culture in Kathmandu Valley and other the cities of Nepal.

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) organised a Stakeholder Workshop on Air quality and transportation challenges in Kathmandu on December 27 in collaboration with Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Government of Nepal. 

Improved urban transport strategies can bring a myriad of benefits to India, from reductions in CO2 emissions to a more mobile and inclusive society, according to this new report published by the Union Ministry of Urban Development and the Institute of Urban Transport.

The Punjab and Haryana high court has directed government agencies in Haryana to work out a comprehensive mobility plan for cities, a shot in the arm for Gurgaon's Raahgiri Day movement that has pi

Centre for Science and Environment organised a Stakeholder Dialogue on Improving Environmentally Sustainable Transport in Sri Lanka on December 10 in Colombo in collaboration with Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy, Sri Lanka.

Recent investments in the transit sector to address greenhouse gas emissions have concentrated on purchasing efficient replacement vehicles and inducing mode shift from the private automobile. There has been little focus on the potential of network and operational improvements, such as changes in headways, route spacing, and stop spacing, to reduce transit emissions. Most models of transit system design consider user and agency cost while ignoring emissions and the potential environmental benefit of operational improvements.
