A new ACOLA report shows that Australia's cities are not sustainable and a major rethink is required. The report Delivering Sustainable Urban Mobility warns that Australia is heading down the wrong path and a new approach to urban transport is needed that prioritises people rather than one particular mode of transport.

Ranchi is the capital of Jharkhand, a state that remains largely rural, but is urbanising fast. The use of personal motor vehicles is expanding rapidly in Ranchi, leading to congestion in central areas and safety challenges.

An overhaul of the public transport system along with the development of a multi-city network to reduce congestion, and significant improvements in pedestrian infrastructure, use of Non-Motorised Transport and Intelligent Transport System, management of parking spaces and road safety have been recommended in the Draft Comprehensive Mobility Plan

This paper reviews the current state of the literature on Indian urbanization to analyze existing urban development trajectories at the state level in order to understand the challenges Indian cities face as well as the opportunities available to them to adopt transformative urban processes that can foster inclusive economic growth that is also

Cities Safer by Design is a global reference guide to help cities save lives from traffic fatalities through improved street design and smart urban development. Over 1.2 million people die in traffic crashes globally, mostly pedestrians, and that number is growing every year.

This report produced in co-operation with the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) identifies the misalignments between climate change objectives and policy and regulatory frameworks across a range of policy domains (investment, taxation, innovation and skills, trade, and

Urban Transportation in Indian Cities provides 13 examples of initiatives to improve service delivery of urban transport. For each, the study features a description of the project, success factors, budgetary implications, performance, impact, challenge and lessons learned.

PUNE: Just as the urban development ministry will assist cities with population of 10 lakh plus in setting up the urban metropolitan transport authority (UMTA), it will also help them have a traffi

Africa is urbanizing at a very high pace, and both large and intermediate African cities are experiencing rapid and often unplanned growth. As a result, policy- and decision-makers face numerous challenges regarding planning, development and management of their cities.

Concerning the announced EU policy initiatives towards cleaner air and a further reduction of CO₂ emissions of heavy duty vehicles (HDVs), the European bus sector welcomes these initiatives and underlines the contribution which buses and public transport in general already make towards these aims.
