A group of global businesses with operations in India have worked with the Government of Gujarat and the four largest cities in the state (Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Surat and Vadodara) to identify inclusive and sustainable solutions to key urban development challenges faced by these cities.

This report provides principles to foster effective decision making in national mass transit investment programs.

Half of humanity – 3.5 billion people – currently live in cities and by 2055 an estimated 75% of the world's population will live in urban areas. Cities occupy just 2% of the Earth's land, but account for over 70% of both energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Rapid urbanization -- together with climate change -- is emerging as the most challenging issue of the twenty-first century. As the region with the highest percentage increase in urban population over the last two decades, Asia faces fundamental economic, social and environmental challenges to its continued development.

The mobility projections in this Transport Outlook indicate that global passenger transport volumes in 2050 could be up to 2.5 times as large as in 2010, and freight volumes could grow by a factor of four. Emissions of CO2 grow more slowly because of increasing energy efficiency, but may nevertheless more than double.

An International Energy Agency (IEA) supported publication, titled "EV City Casebook: A Look at the Global Electric Vehicle Movement," addresses best practices for electric vehicle usage.

Sandwiched between India and Myanmar and with an area of 147,570 sq km, Bangladesh is among the world's most densely populated countries with a population of 164 million. The country is geologically part of the Bengal Basin, among the largest in the world.

CSE releases findings on parking in Sarojini Nagar and the lessons from it. Says without a clear strategy, expensive parking structures can neither reduce parking chaos nor parking demand. CSE survey shows car users will shift to other modes of transport only if they are forced to pay three times more parking charges.

CSE’s clean air and urban mobility team organized a workshop ‘Our Right of Way: Walk and Cycle’ in New Delhi on March 22, 2012. This discussion forum included participants from all the key organsiations, stakeholders, civil society representatives, policy makers bicycle industries, cycle clubs and regulators.

NEW DELHI: The union budget has failed to take steps to stop the misuse of diesel subsidy by private cars, said advocacy organisation Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) Saturday.
