NEW DELHI: In the time that it takes you to read this article, several Indians will have escaped the clutches of extreme poverty.

Western disturbances (WDs) are upper-level synoptic-scale systems embedded in the subtropical westerly jet stream (STWJ), often associated with extreme rainfall events in north India and Pakistan during boreal winter. Here, a tracking algorithm is applied to the upper-tropospheric vorticity field for 37 years of ERA-Interim reanalysis data, giving a catalogue of over 3000 events.

If conservationists across the Himalayas can prove that counting these predators will help villagers more than killing them can, efforts to protect the snow leopard will succeed

It lags behind neighbours China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan but is ahead of Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Adil Khan's hopes for a good harvest are fading again this year as he inspects his orchard of apricot and loquat trees in the mountains of Pakistan's northwest Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

Winters are getting warmer in northwest Himalayas, which is increasing the risk of avalanches, two new studies have found.

The present and future groundwater availability and exploitation were evaluated for an intermountain basin (Kohat Sub basin) of Northwest Himalayan Fold & thrust belt Pakistan by developing a 3D numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater models attempt to represent an actual groundwater system with a mathematical counterpart. The conventional groundwater flow modeling procedure was followed to characterize complex hydrogeological system and predict future of fresh water resources in response to pumping and potential withdrawal.

The initiative known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Conservation and Enhancement of Forest Carbon and Sustainable Forest Management (REDD+) focuses on avoiding deforestation and forest degradation, conserving and sustainably managing forests, and enhancing forest carbon stocks.

Pakistan can increase its energy security, improve energy access, and spur social and economic development with renewable energy. Renewables Readiness Assessment: Pakistan identifies key actions to accelerate renewable energy deployment.

The 69th World Health Assembly approved the Global Health Sector Strategy to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030. Although no virological cure exists for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, existing therapies to control viral replication and prophylaxis to minimise mother-to-child transmission make elimination of HBV feasible. We aimed to estimate the national, regional, and global prevalence of HBsAg in the general population and in the population aged 5 years in 2016, as well as coverage of prophylaxis, diagnosis, and treatment.
