The prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, has underscored the need for combined efforts among the South Asian nations to alleviate poverty from the region.

Report on CSE training programmes in Srilanka for the CEA officials from 25-29 April, 2011 and 21-25 November, 2011.

The Centre will come up with a new National Water Policy next year that will address the issues of water scarcity, management and conservation, Union Water Resources Minister Salman Khurshid said here on Monday.

The Ministry has already undertaken an exercise to review the National Water Policy of 2002, and is holding consultations with various stakeholders on the new policy, which would take o

The Renewable Energy Policy intends to provide the necessary direction for the promotion and development of Renewable Energy that not only contribute in meeting the current requirements but also shape future energy security options for Bhutan.

India has been embracing regionalism in a big way in recent years. Regional trade agreements are growing not only in number but also in their depth and coverage, thus diverting a significant portion of India’s trade through the preferential route. Such a trade promotion strategy emphasises market access rather than deal with supply-side efficiencies.

Colombo Declaration to provide increased access to sanitation adopted at the end of SACOSAN IV

The SAARC sanitation summit has decided to establish a national body in each country to

The evidence of the Views from the Frontline 2011 study is that there is a growing gap between the UN’s ‘Hyogo Framework for Action’ and its implementation at the frontline where disasters impact. The framework aims to ‘build the resilience of nations and communities to disasters’.

Smog digest is a news service on vehicular pollution based on news clippings selected from leading Indian newspapers and newsmagazine. It also highlights the key developments from South Asian countries. The months witnessed lots of action and developments on the vehicular pollution front in India.

“Don’t teach us what is sanitation and hygiene.” This quote from Maqbul, a middle-aged male resident in Modher Bosti, a slum in Dhaka city, summed up the frustration of many people living in urban poverty to ongoing sanitation and hygiene programmes. In the light of their experiences, such programmes provide “inappropriate sanitation”, or demand personal investments in situations of highly insecure tenure, and/or teach “hygiene practices” that relate neither to local beliefs nor to the ground realities of a complex urban poverty.

A comprehensive priority framework to support and provide strategic direction to the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, its technical services and agencies for the implementation of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) priorities in agriculture and allied sectors.
