An ambient air pollution screening study was performed in Dhaka from 31 January – 15 February 2011. The main objective of the study was to gain an overview of the background concentrations and the spatial distribution of the air pollution in the Dhaka city area.

The city of Dhaka was chosen for this assessment due to the current ongoing project Bangladesh Air Pollution Management (BAPMAN), which concentrates mostly on the capital city Dhaka.

How are Sustainable Livelihoods Approaches (SLAs) relevant to current and future development challenges? What has been learnt from the experience of using SLAs to date?

This draft of the National Climate Change Policy for Sri Lanka contains a a vision, mission, goal and a set of guiding principles followed by broad policy statements under Vulnerability, Adaptation, Mitigation, Sustainable Consumption and Production and Knowledge Management.

In this NBR Special Report, a team of experts assess nontraditional security threats in South Asia and explore how these threats challenge the region's traditional security environment.

This Act shall be called The Water Act of Bhutan 2011. This Act shall apply to all issues related to water resources of the Kingdom. This Act hereby repeals the provisions of any other Acts, regulations and administrative instruments which are inconsistent with this Act.

Easy access to agro-chemicals in Sri Lanka blamed for public health scare.

The Inter-governmental Meeting to finalise the text of the draft SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters concluded in Male last Thursday with a broad agreement on the issue that needed to be addressed.

According to the global database on disasters, over the past forty years, South Asia faced as many as 1,333 disasters that killed 980,000 people, affected 2.4 billion lives and dam

In Sri Lanka, organic farmers draw inspiration from endemic practices such as home gardens or analog forestry, and have also adapted ‘imported’ ideas, such as zero-budget farming from India.

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The current perception that cash transfers can replace public provision of basic goods and services and become a catch-all solution for poverty reduction is false. Where cash transfers have helped to reduce poverty, they have added to public provision, not replaced it.
