An industry approach to greener hydropower is far from perfect, but it does offer a way forwards. (Editorial)

Charlie Bragg gazes across his lush fields where fat lambs are grazing, his reservoirs filled with water, and issues a sigh of relief. Things are normal this year and that's a bit unusual of late.

His 7,000-acre farm near the Australian town of Cootamundra is testament to the plight facing farmers around the globe: increasingly wilder weather is making food production more unpredictable.

High-tech seeds and innovations in chemicals and farming will not be enough to solve looming food shortages for the world, according to a report issued Tuesday by a committee formed by food and chemicals conglomerate DuPont.

Billions of dollars in private investment, government incentives and charitable work must be funneled into collaborative projects if global food production is to match grow

Do Indian paint companies continue to produce and market their toxics leaded paints to the neighboring countries, even as they phase it out in India? This latest report by Toxics Link shows exactly this. Its a collaborative effort by Toxics Link, India, CEPHED, Nepal and ESDO, Bangladesh.

This latest study has mapped the “global hotspots “ where climate induced food insecurity is most liekly to happen in the future. It covers highly vulnerable population mainly in Africa, Asia and includes India. Also includes China and Latin America where in fewer than 40 years, the prospect of shorter, hotter or drier growing seasons could imperil hundreds of millions of already-impoverished people.

The primary goal of the annual State of the Climate collection of articles is to document the weather and climate events of the most recent calendar year and put them into accurate historical perspective, with a particular focus on unusual or anomalous events.  This report states that year 2010 was notable for its globally-averaged warmth and for the far-reaching impacts related to signifi

This report analysis the brick sector in Bangladesh and assesses the feasibility of cleaner alternative technologies. Chapter 1 introduces the rationale and study objectives. An overview of the challenges and opportunities of the brick sector is presented in Chapter 2.

The Technical Assessment Survey Report of Water Supply Schemes of Punjab (Part-I), produced by PCRWR Technical Survey Teams, provides us with an insight on the social, technical, managerial and water quality problems faced by water supply schemes located in 21 districts of northern and central Punjab.

This study provides the review of two World Bank experts on the 19 household projects supported by the Bank.

This paper describes Bangladesh's contemporary forest management policies and programs aimed at biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
