Poaching of elephants is now occurring at rates that threaten African populations with extinction. Identifying the number and location of Africa’s major poaching hotspots may assist efforts to end poaching and facilitate recovery of elephant populations. We genetically assign origin to 28 large ivory seizures (≥0.5 tons) made between 1996-2014, also testing assignment accuracy. Results suggest that the major poaching hotspots in Africa may be currently concentrated in as few as two areas.

Production of cereals, the main staple and cash crops for millions of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is severely constrained by parasitic striga weed Striga hermonthica, stemborers and poor soil fertility.

Maggi noodles are popular in Kenya and neighbouring countries

Up-to-date evidence about levels and trends in disease and injury incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) is an essential input into global, regional, and national health policies. In the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 (GBD 2013), we estimated these quantities for acute and chronic diseases and injuries for 188 countries between 1990 and 2013.

Girls' and women's health is in transition and, although some aspects of it have improved substantially in the past few decades, there are still important unmet needs. Population ageing and transformations in the social determinants of health have increased the coexistence of disease burdens related to reproductive health, nutrition, and infections, and the emerging epidemic of chronic and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Arusha — NATURAL Resources and Tourism Ministry envisages embarking on an extensive search on elephants reported to have mysteriously disappeared in Southern Tanzania.

KISHAPU Municipal Council has managed to reduce the impact of drought by empowering communities in affected areas with capacity building skills as well as facilitate projects that both increase the

Zanzibar — RESIDENTS of Ludewa will soon get a proper water infrastructure system together with a water treatment plant, following the government allocation of 400m/- in the 2015/16 financial year.

A water filter which absorbs anything from copper and fluoride to bacteria, viruses and pesticides has won a prestigious African innovation prize.

Dodoma — MORE than 298m/- has been set aside through the Water Sector Development Programme to go into implementation and completion of existing projects in the water sector in Kasulu District, Kig
