Coal based power plants caus haze over Indo Gangetic plains

For over a decade, Orissa has been teetering from one extreme weather condition to another: from heatwaves to cyclones, drought to floods. The state has been declared
disaster-affected for 95 of the last 105 years. Why is this happening? Is it the result of global warming and climate change? Richard Mahapatra, who has been awarded the

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is concerned primarily with significant environmental impacts. Environmental Assessments (EA) describes the whole process by which information about the environmental effects of a project is collected and assessed by the development before deciding whether to grant planning permission.

Coal based thermal power plants come back to haunt villages in Udupi district, Karnataka

South Asian emissions of fossil fuel SO2 and black carbon increased

The objective of this article is to evaluate (via modeling) the impact of different pollution control scenarios on the shape of the income-emissions relationship. The simulation of emissions and emission controls was conducted using the Climate Change Risk Assessment Framework, which projects SO2 and NOxemissions from energy consumption and conversion and non-energy sources.

Fly ash based cement is a victim of bias

"This is the first time such a job [the FGD unit] is being undertaken for coal fired station in India. Selection of proper technology, competent vendors, has to be based on detailed studies

Manufacturers won t mix fly ash in bricks; to go on strike

Most of the thermal power plants (tpps) in the country are facing an acute shortage of non-coking power grade coal. According to industry sources, since electricity was a major issue in the
