Karnataka will soon experiment with the hugely successful South African birth control technique to check the growing elephant population in the state, in the face of increasing human-elephant confl

The results are contrary to the general notion that global warming or increased summer temperature is responsible for extreme summer monsoon rainfall events.

The Paris Agreement which was adopted in December 2015 sets the pace for global action against climate change for the coming years and decades. In its preamble it underlines the importance of all levels of government engaging in and contributing to tackling the climate challenge.

By 2030, the economies of top five Indian cities will each grow to equal the current sizes of middle-income economies, a report by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) says.

The discourse on urban vulnerability over the last decade and a half has undergone substantial shifts prompted by differences in disciplinary orientations. This enables multiple framings and causal linkages, influencing the nature and scale of responses.

The Water Report 2016 takes on the highly current, and sometimes parallel, issues of water and migration. While witnessing some of the largest refugee flows since the Second World War, water crises are highlighted as one of the most pressing global challenges.

A recent study by the Delhi University has revealed the presence of harmful chemicals and heavy metals in the city’s groundwater resources.

Through regional cooperation, the Nordic countries can achieve a near carbon-neutral energy system by 2050, while contributing to European decarbonisation through the export of clean electricity. This is the central message of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 published by the International Energy Agency and Nordic Energy Research.

World Nature Conservation day is celebrated on July 28 across the world in order to raise awareness about protecting nature and conserving our natural resources.

African economies have grown substantially over the past decade, but poverty and inequality reduction has remained less responsive to growth successes across the continent, says the 2015 edition of the African Development Bank (AfDB)'s African Development Report.
