India will need an investment of Rs 50 lakh crores in the next few years to fund the NDA government’s urban renewal initiatives of smart cities, housing for all and issues relating to the developme

Mountain lions in Southern California are under growing pressure from a shrinking gene pool, fragmented by highways and urban sprawl that has left the cats' territories increasingly isolated from e

On 15 August 2014, the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, announced the intention to launch a new mission, Swachh Bharat, on 2 October 2014, Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary.

This working paper is a result of TERI’s year-long study which aimed to develop and test approaches that can increase resilience of infrastructure assets and the services they provide in developing nations. Chapter 1 of the working paper provides a brief introduction to the project.

In 2012 Papua New Guinea undertook a national Service Delivery Assessment of rural water, rural sanitation, urban water and urban sanitation services to identify coverage and targets, how well services are being delivered and the financing shortfalls in these subsectors.

Two years ago, USAID convened a forum and published an associated volume of essays, all under the banner of an effort called Frontiers in Development. It was designed to encourage forward-looking, provocative discussion and debate that could advance development policy and practice across the full range of relevant actors.

Global wildlife populations have declined by more than half in just 40 years according to “Living Planet Report 2014” produced by World Wildlife Federation in collaboration with Zoologi

KARAK: Adviser to the chief minister on prisons Malik Qasim Khan Khattak has claimed that the provincial government has approved Rs760 million for extension of Amberi Kalay to Daratang road to link

The urban metabolism framework maps the activities of cities from their consumption of materials, the different activities associated with those processes, and the wastes produced.

Ahead of the Climate Summit 2014, the UN released a report, titled 'How the United Nations System Supports Ambitious Action on Climate Change: The United Nations System Delivering as One on Climate Change and Sustainable Development.' The report outlines how it is contributing to the delivery of action on climate change, and stresses that actio
