Will Africa be steamrollered by climate change? The continent harbours 33 of the Least Developed Countries, is heavily reliant on agriculture and has limited economic resources to finance adaptation. Its geographic position and high sensitivity to climatic variability make it vulnerable. Large swathes of Africa

In the run-up to the 2008 global financial crisis, there was frequent discussion of Asia having decoupled from economic shock transmission originating in Europe or North America. Much of the basis for these arguments was related to the rapid expansion of intraregional trade in Asia.

The global effort to address climate change will require action in several policy areas, and use of a multitude of policy instruments and measures. Economic and trade-related instruments will be of paramount importance in this context.

Identifying and quantifying pesticides in fruits and vegetables is important for public health and safety reasons. As sample loads increase, analysts look for ways to enhance the speed of sample preparation and analysis while maintaining high data quality. The United States Department of Agriculture has

The Ministry of Urban Development is the nodal Ministry for planning and coordination of Urban Transport matters at the central level. Urban Transport is not defined in the Constitution as a separate subject and the allocation of subjects between Central and State List is mode-wise.

The study conducted by AFIC on how consumers in India perceive the use of biotechnology to produce foods. It reveals that the most common food safety concern are pesticide residues, food poisoning, and food from unknown source.

Under natural resource ecosystems shared across communities and nations, the distribution among stakeholders of risks and vulnerability to climate change is likely to be uneven on account of the nature of their stakes in the ecosystems, the degree of their dependence and the extent of degradation of the natural resources.

Today, coal is used to produce nearly 40% of the world

Recognizing that poor communities in developing countries are the least responsible for climate change but most vulnerable to its impacts, the Bali Action Plan calls for

This handbook aims to highlight the strategies and approaches in
