India is home to 40 percent of the world

World Health Statistics 2008 presents the most recent available health statistics for WHO's 193 Member States. This fourth edition includes 10 highlights of health statistics as well as data on an expanded set of over 70 key health indicators. The indicators were selected on the basis of their relevance to global health monitoring and c onsiderations of data availability, accuracy and comparability among Member States.

The paper begins by laying out the current state of global food insecurity and malnutrition, including magnitude, trends and future projections. The causes, consequences and costs of food insecurity and malnutrition are explored. Malnutrition is clearly a severe impediment to sustainable development and human security as it slows down economic growth and the achievement of equity. The paper briefly lays out a number of factors besides climate change, bioenergy and rising prices that will likely contribute to malnutrition in the future.

This paper begins by laying out the current state of global food insecurity and malnutrition, including magnitude, trends and future projections. It then explores the implications of climate change and rising bioenergy demand for nutrition. It also examines the direct nutrition effects of rising bioenergy demand, as well as its contribution to rising food prices. A chapter on policy implications provides a number of options for improving food security and nutrition, as well as for addressing the links between climate change and bioenergy demand on the one hand and nutrition on the other.

Climate change will affect water availability differently in Europe

This publication provides corporate managers with a proactive approach to making the connection between ecosystem change and their business goals. It introduces the Corporate Ecosystem Services Review

For many years the IAEA has been supporting coordinated research within the framework of a project on

This report presents data on both level of consumption measured by the sum of monetary values of goods and services consumed per month by households and pattern of consumption reflected in the composition of total consumption by commodity group. The report also presents distribution of households and persons over different ranges of quantitative consumption level, separately for rural and urban areas of different States of the country.

Biotechnology proponents claim that genetically modified (GM) crops are good for consumers, farmers and the environment, and that they are growing in popularity around the world. Unfortunately, journalists often report such claims as fact, without first subjecting them to critical scrutiny.

A book on the damage caused to Goa
