The Indian Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has been considering the possibility of leapfrogging from Bharat Stage (BS) IV emission standards in April 2017 to BS VI emission standards in April 2020. The Parliamentary Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas has endorsed the idea.

Analyzes results of emissions tests on 32 Euro 6 diesel passenger cars from 10 different manufacturers. Results show some automakers meeting diesel NOx emissions standards under more realistic driving conditions, while others lag badly.

This book evaluates -using for the first time a single consistent methodology and the state-of-the-art climate scenarios-, the impacts of climate change on hydro-power and irrigation expansion plans in Africa’s main rivers basins (Niger, Senegal, Volta, Congo, Nile, Zambezi, Orange); and outlines an approach to reduce climate risks through suita

In 2015, global leaders aspire to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals, a financing framework to support them, and a framework agreement on climate change. Youth engagement throughout the design and implementation process is critical for success.

Inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs are key to identifying high-emitting vehicles and mitigating their impact on air quality and climate. This paper assesses best practices for I/M programs targeting heavy-duty vehicles and makes recommendations on how to improve HDV I/M programs in the future.

The Stockholm World Water Week’s focus on “Water for Development” comes at an opportune time. Water as a sector in world affairs is reaching a tipping point. Over the next two decades and more, the global push for food and energy security and for sustaining urbanization will place new and increasing demands on the water sector.

India, China and the US could see water stress increase by 40 to 70% by 2040 according to the global water stress rankings released by World Resource Institute. Click here to know which are the world’s most water-stressed countries and regions and how they would be hit by a deeper crisis in the coming decades.

The Decision Tree Framework described in this book provides resource-limited project planners and program managers with a cost-effective and effort-efficient, scientifically defensible, repeatable, and clear method for demonstrating the robustness of a project to climate change.

This new research report from WRI calls for policymakers to think bigger about climate change adaptation by moving away from small, one-off projects to those that benefit more people and better inform policy. It presents case studies from 21 agriculture projects across India, but its lessons are applicable in many countries and to many stakeholders

Taking advantage of its growing working-age population could help accelerate South Africa’s growth to 5.4 percent a year and double per capita incomes by 2030, according to the South Africa Economic Update released by the World Bank.
