Counting the Gigatonnes: Building Trust in Greenhouse Gas Inventories from the United States and China, outlines the systems already in place in both countries that can ensure accurate and timely data on greenhouse gas emissions.

Assessing for climate-sustainable development in the Ganges Basin by Divya Mohan and Shirish Sinha presented at the National Climate Research Conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

Healthy ecosystems play a vital role in providing food and clean water, controlling infectious diseases, absorbing wastes, regulating climate and are the source of much of the cultural,

Protected Areas offer a cost effective solution to the impacts of climate change, according to IUCN, The Nature Conservancy, the United Nations Development Programme, Wildlife Conservation Society, the World Bank and WWF.

This report clearly articulates how protected areas contribute significantly to reducing impacts of climate change and what is needed for them to achieve even more. It asserts that adaptation is a mechanism to protect and maintain ecosystem integrity, buffer local climate, reduce risks and impacts from extreme events such as storms, droughts and sea-level rise.

This report focuses on the links between urbanisation and environmental sustainability, looks at historical development of Indian cities and at the future of urbanization. Models the implications of different urban development trajectories, especially with regards to energy use and presents recommendations for sustainable urbanization in India

This paper focuses on five of the most dynamic emerging economies

The report underscores the need for strong public policies to help realize the potential of industrial biotech and recommends initiatives such as pollution costs charged to petrol-based materials, investment in advanced waste management technologies, and labeling systems for bio-based products.

WWF sees the impacts of climate change on glaciers and its subsequent impact on freshwater as a major issue, not just in the national context but also at a regional, transboundary level. The WWF offices in Nepal, India and China are taking the initiative to develop a regional collaboration to tackle climate change impacts in the glacial ecosystem and address adaptation
