Worldwide, there are opportunities for agriculture to contribute to efforts to adapt to, and mitigate climate change, while also supporting food security and the fight against poverty.

Human-driven land-use changes increasingly threaten biodiversity, particularly in tropical forests where both species diversity and human pressures on natural environments are high. The rapid conversion of tropical forests for agriculture, timber production and other uses has generated vast, human-dominated landscapes with potentially dire consequences for tropical biodiversity. Today, few truly undisturbed tropical forests exist, whereas those degraded by repeated logging and fires, as well as secondary and plantation forests, are rapidly expanding.

A forest generated by residents in Andhra Pradesh's Anantapur district is being destroyed to set up windmills. For two decades people from eight villages in Kalpavalli region in Andhra Pradesh's Anantapur district laboured hard to turn a vast expanse of wasteland into a forest. But the effort seems to have gone waste as the green cover is being ruthlessly destroyed to set up wind farms. Enercon Wind Farms (Madhya Pradesh) Pvt Ltd, a group company of Enercon (India) Ltd, a subsidiary of the German company Enercon GmbH, is setting up a 20 MW wind energy project in the area.

The report of the working group on forests and sustainable management of natural resources is a collective effort to introduce and explain the concerns and challenges faced by the sector and the strategy to address them in the Twelfth Five Year Plan. Forests can no longer be considered as nature’s factory that produces wood alone.

Poplar plantations and nurseries mainly grown on farm land in North India create thick patches of green cover which attract wild animals, birds and rodents for hideout, shelter and food. Many of the visiting wildlife also cause serious damage to poplar both in field plantations and nurseries. The main wild animals and birds causing damage have been identified as blue bull, monkeys, rats, rabbits, crows, parrots etc.

There are a wide range of agriculture-based practices and technologies that have the potential to increase food production and the adaptive capacity of the food production system, as well as reduce emissions or enhance carbon storage in agricultural soils and biomass.

The Resource Survey and Management Division of Forest Research Institute organised a day-long brainstorming session on convergence of forestry and agriculture.

This second annual State of the Forest Carbon Markets tracks, reports, and analyzes trends in global transactions of emissions reductions generated from forest carbon projects.

With the rising demand for paper and paper products during the last decade, the industry has urged the government to explore possibility of using a part of the huge track of wasteland for growing trees, which would meet future wood pulp requirements.

Land-use options that increase resilience and reduce vulnerability of contemporary societies are fundamental to livelihoods improvement and adaptation to climate change.
