Women bear the disproportionate burden of climate change as they make up the majority of the world's 1,5-billion people living on less than $1 a day and the climate-change debate needs to be reframed putting people at the centre,concludes this annual report released by UNFPA.


Climate change directly affects food security and nutrition. It undermines current efforts to protect the lives and livelihoods and end the suffering of the over 1 billion food insecure people and will increase the risk of hunger and malnutrition by an unprecedented scale within the next decades.

Two key challenges facing humanity today stem from changes within global food and climate systems. The 2008 food price crisis and global warming have brought food security and

The impacts of climate change are likely to affect population distribution and mobility. While alarmist predictions of massive flows of refugees are not supported by past experiences of responses to droughts and extreme weather events, predictions for future migration flows are tentative at best.

Delegates at U.N. climate talks in Bangkok are trying to whittle down a complex negotiating text that will form the basis of a broader global pact to curb the pace of climate change.

Generating credible climate change and extremes projections remains a high-priority challenge, especially since recent observed emissions are above the worst-case scenario. Bias and uncertainty analyses of ensemble simulations from a global earth systems model show increased warming and more intense heat waves

CLIMATE change poses a potential threat to the whole living world. Many species of animals have already been endangered by its ugly claws. The developing countries in particular are the worst sufferers of the effect of climate change.

Effects of climate change on the country

The state of Kerala in the southwestern corner of the Indian peninsula is climatically unique in many respects because of the impact of the Western Ghat Mountains. This results in a wide range of climates and the associated marked gradient in the annual total of rainfall which ranges from ~6000 mm at the crest of Western Ghat, to as low as 600 mm in the valley portion.
