The European Investment Bank (EIB) has completed an analysis of its standards, criteria and procedures in relation to short-lived climate pollutants. The EIB also looked into the projects and sectors that it finances, the impacts they have on SLCP emissions and where the bank can scale up financing of projects that mitigate these emissions.

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is a long-lived radiatively active compound with the ability to destroy stratospheric ozone. Due to its inclusion in the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MP), the last two decades have seen a sharp decrease in its largescale emissive use with a consequent decline in its atmospheric mole fractions. However, the MP restrictions do not apply to the use of carbon tetrachloride as feedstock for the production of other chemicals, implying the risk of fugitive emissions from the industry sector.

Motivated by the current leadership for a Clean India, a self-organized task force has developed a set of ten scalable solutions to clean the air.

Environment ministry on Thursday announced an ambitious collaborative R&D programme to develop next generation sustainable refrigerant technologies as alternatives to the climate-damaging hydro

The year 1980 has often been used as a benchmark for the return of Antarctic ozone to conditions assumed to be unaffected by emissions of ozone depleting substances (ODSs), implying that anthropogenic ozone depletion in Antarctica started around 1980. Here, the extent of anthropogenically-driven Antarctic ozone depletion prior to 1980 is examined using output from transient Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM) simulations from 1960 to 2000 with prescribed changes of ozone depleting substance concentrations in conjunction with observations.

The ability of seven state-of-the-art chemistry–aerosol models to reproduce distributions of tropospheric ozone and its precursors, as well as aerosols over eastern Asia in summer 2008, is evaluated. The study focuses on the performance of models used to assess impacts of pollutants on climate and air quality as part of the EU ECLIPSE project. Models, run using the same ECLIPSE emissions, are compared over different spatial scales to in situ surface, vertical profiles and satellite data.

More than 2,000 Southern Californians die early each year from polluted air, and the region would benefit the most of anywhere in the country from reducing ozone and fine particle pollution below c

Policies to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will not only slow climate change but can also have ancillary benefits of improved air quality. Here we examine the co-benefits of both global and regional GHG mitigation for US air quality in 2050 at fine resolution, using dynamical downscaling methods, building on a previous global co-benefits study (West et al., 2013).

Air pollution would cause the deaths of at least 2500 people across Sydney and Melbourne in the year 2030 even if the federal government swiftly clamped down on poisonous car fuels, a government-co

Air pollution is a huge and growing public health problem for the UK, and for London in particular.
