Paints in general are differentiated into decorative or architectural paints and industrial paints. Lead is used in paints mainly as colouring agents. Lead is also used to make paints more durable and corrosion resistant. Lead based paint in older houses has long been associated with elevated blood lead in children residing within them.

Along with all the development problems confronting African cities, they are under-resourced and ill prepared to cope with the hazards of Global Environment Change (GEC). Here leading experts, David Simon and Cheikh Gu

This guideline provides a set of priority principles on fire management, which is an essential component of sustainable forest management.

This paper explores two propositions regarding international river basins: cooperative development of international rivers offers unique economic advantages over unilateral development; and benefit sharing is a necessary condition for facilitating this cooperation.

In 2002 CREPA initiated a regional research and demonstration programme on ecological sanitation in seven West African countries. ECOSAN is focused on simultaneously improving sanitation and food production. This is done by making urine and faeces more hygienic and then using them as safe fertilisers.

The current food crisis has been largely policy-driven, which is probably good news because it means that policies can also reverse the process.

Rising food prices may derail biofuels policy

This case study reports findings from survey, workshop and focus group activities with smallholder horticulture growers in Senegal as part of the Food & Fairness project conducted by PAN UK and PAN Africa during May 2005-Jan.2008.

Dakar, Senegal, like many cities around the world, faces an increasingly intractable transportation crisis. The motor vehicle fleet in Dakar is growing at over 8% per year.

HANOI: Rising prices and a growing fear of scarcity have prompted some of the world's largest rice producers to announce drastic limits on the amount of rice they export. The price of rice, a staple in the diets of nearly half the world's population, has almost doubled on international markets in the last three months. That has pinched the budgets of millions of poor Asians and raised fears of civil unrest.
