The amount and intensity of runoff at catchment scale are largely determined by the presence of impervious land cover types, which are predominant in an urbanized area. This paper examines the impact of different methods for estimating impervious surface cover on the prediction of peak discharges as determined by a fully distributed rainfall-runoff model (WetSpa). The study of River Yamuna and Hindon basin area shows detailed information on the spatial distribution of impervious surfaces, as obtained/calibrated from remotely sensed data.

Addressing the challenges of water management and governance in rural and urban areas, this new IDFC report deals with water politics, leakage of water in urban areas as well as the lack of water recycling mechanisms.

This publication discusses the activities and findings from the second phase of the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), a program supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Changes in climatic conditions represent one of the greatest challenges facing humanity over coming decades.

Thousands of cities in the developing world face rising pressures on water provision due to population growth and urbanization, and climate change worsens these impacts.

The Review of Developments in Transport in Asia and the Pacific 2011 is a biennial publication of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

Urbanization . . a process characterized by more and more people living in the urban areas is one of the most important

Cities are wasting the potential of smart technologies by failing to realize the value of their hidden infrastructure and digital assets, according to a report published by The Climate Group, Accenture (NYSE: ACN), Arup and Horizon Digital Economy Research at The University of Nottingham.

The objective of this tool is to inform and capacitate local government officials so as to assist them in initiating, developing and managing Clean Development Mechanism and Verified Emission Reduction projects within their cities, towns or regions.

This Action Plan on Climate Change for Rajasthan builds on the key areas as identified under climate change agenda for the state. It primarily focuses on risk reduction and adaptation measures.

Over the next four decades, the global transportation sector will face unprecedented challenges related to demographics, urbanization, pressure to minimize and dislocate emissions outside urban centres, congestion of aging transport infrastructure and growth in fuel demand.
