This paper looks at adaptation from the point of view of households. It asks how political and economic institutions may affect – help or hinder – these adaptation decisions. Climate change represents a change in the (future) distribution of weather.

Authors further say that the real mortality impact of the projected climate in urban areas in India is likely to be significantly higher than that analyzed in this study.

Worried over rising air and water pollution, people living in cities, particularly Bengaluru, want more action from the state forest, environment and ecology department.

Criticising the Narendra Modi government, eminent environment activist Rajendra Singh on Sunday alleged that the pace at which “deforestation” has taken place since the last one year, has not been

Better economic growth can help close the greenhouse gas emissions gap, according to a new report released by the New Climate Economy, the flagship project of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate.

In a context of rapid growth, an increasing proportion of minorities and indigenous peoples are now living in urban areas. But while they offer the possibility of greater freedoms, improved livelihoods and more equitable opportunities, cities often magnify existing patterns of discrimination and insecurity.

Climate change is a key challenge for Asian cities in the global south. Already half of Asia-Pacific’s urban population live in secondary cities of less than 1 million, and as urbanisation continues more people will be exposed to direct and indirect hazards of climate change.

The book provides a concise introduction to the debates in a number of vital development sectors in view of the move from the era of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reviews progress made in each sector, and considers how looking beyond sectors might open new opportunities for inclusive, sustai

The seemingly ever-growing tech giant Google has now launched its first startup focused on the so-called “Smart Cities” movement, according to recent reports.

Cities accommodate nearly 31% of India's current population and contribute 63% of GDP (Census 2011). Urban areas are expected to house 40% of India's population and contribute 75% of India's GDP by 2030. This requires comprehensive development of physical, institutional, social and economic infrastructure.
