This submission highlights ways in which the potential of agricultural mitigation in general, and from smallholder agriculture in particular, may be realized under a future global climate change agreement.

This is the story of how seven poor communities used grant assis

The horticulture sector encompasses a wide range of crops e.g., fruit crops, vegetable crops, potato and tuber crops, ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic crops, spices and plantation crops. India, with its wide variability of climate and soil, is highly favourable for growing a large number of horticultural crops. It is the fastest growing sector within agriculture.

Volatile energy prices and growing environmental concerns have catapulted climate change to the top of corporate agendas of many industries. Until now, attention has focused on emissions-intensive industries, such as power generation and oil production. Yet climate change is a critical issue for all sectors of the economy.


Extreme weather events are generally expected to increase in frequency and intensity due to global climate change. They have the potential to significantly undermine progress towards

Extensive analysis has been done in recent years on the technological, environmental and social aspects of biofuel production and trade. This paper aims to provide a succinct

Human activity is causing irreversible harm to the climate system and environment. The Kyoto Protocol is only a good starting point to raise the awareness of climate change.

The urban poor are particularly vulnerable in times of crisis due to their heavy reliance on the cash economy, job losses and wage reductions in urban based industries, and no agricultural production to fallback on. Prioritizing investments in cities can help to mitigate impacts in the short run and reduce risks in the future.

Environmental stories to watch in 2009 talk about four stories: Will the economic stimulus be green?; What are the prospects of Congress passing climate legislation?; How will the U.S. work with China?; and Will see a new weapon for protecting global forests and stopping illegal logging?.
