An efficient, effective, eco-and consumer-friendly Urban
Transportation-without which cities can become immobile-is the need of the country in this century. If the look and feel of
public transport is not improved substantially and on an urgent
basis across various cities; to a level that it can be sold to

This paper emphasizes a major topic of ERTRAC

Provision of adequate infrastructure is a prerequisite for sustained growth of economy and inherent to such growth is the need to ensure cost-effective movement of people and goods. An efficient road infrastructure is therefore an essential requirement. Over the successive five year plans, investment in road infrastructure has been increasing progressively in the state.

High levels of oil imports and high crude oil and gasoline prices in recent years have led to increased interest in the U.S. fuel supply. Recent congressional interest has focused on

Official development economics reflects the rest of the discipline, in that it too neglects nature's place in economic development. The neglect looks odd to ecologists, who are trained to study the slow processes that influence long-term development possibilities. A seemingly natural retort to ecologists is that people come first and that, after all, current poverty should matter most.

This comprehensive review of all aspects of cultivation of brinjal in India summarises the development and regulatory status in India of biotech Bt brinjal hybrids. Bt brinjal was approved in India for experimental seed production in 2008-2009 and is under consideration for commercial release.

The aim of this capacity building programme is to improve the efficiency and positive impact of urban, community-managed water and sanitation schemes.

This latest WMO statement contains information for 2008 on global temperature, regional temperature anomalies, global precipitation, droughts, flooding and storms, La Ni

This briefing outlines why nuclear power is a woefully inadequate response to the climate crisis and how, in contrast, renewable energy and greater energy efficiency can deliver in time to tackle climate change, without any of the dangers posed by nuclear power.

Temples have a long history and tradition of keeping elephants. Some temples keep elephants as they have a significance associated with a specific deity. However, the
