Biochar is the carbon-rich organic matter that remains after heating biomass under minimization of oxygen during a process called pyrolysis. Biochar is relevant to deforestation, agricultural resilience, and energy production, particularly in developing countries.

Germany has drawn international attention for its energy policies in recent years. The term Energiewende – the country’s transition away from nuclear power to renewables with lower energy consumption – is now commonly used in English. The focus, however, has recently shifted to the role of coal in Germany.

This paper documents a significant impact of climate variation on urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa, primarily in more arid countries. By lowering farm incomes, reduced moisture availability encourages migration to nearby cities, while wetter conditions slow migration. The paper also provides evidence for rural-urban income links.

The purpose of this briefing document is to expand upon the overall EU fleet CO2 data recently published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). EEA’s report showed that fleet-wide vehicle CO2/km emissions have decreased from 162 g CO2/km in 2005 to 127 in 2013, already exceeding the 2015 target value on average.

This paper comprehensively reviews and assesses Japan’s climate change mitigation policies. Its objectives are threefold. First, it assesses the ambition level of the Warsaw Target in comparison with the Copenhagen Pledge and earlier 2020 mitigation targets.

The 2014 edition of World Bank’s Little Green Data Book released on World Environment Day 2014, includes a new indicator called change in wealth per capita for more than 200 countries. According to data compiled by this report, global rate of the natural wealth depletion in a year is 45 per cent, which is the cost of GDP-based growth.

This working paper examines the implications of doubling aquaculture production between now and 2050, and offers recommendations to ensure that aquaculture growth contributes to a sustainable food future.

Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace released the executive summary of the State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2014 report, now in its eighth year of publication.

This new World Bank report on the state and trends of carbon pricing shows that while international negotiations may be slow, countries and cities are moving on climate pricing.

In the past 50 years, Indian agriculture has undergone a major transformation, from dependence on food aid to becoming a consistent net food exporter.
