What is second-generation biofuel technology worth to global society? A dynamic, computable partial equilibrium model (called FABLE) is used to assess changes in global land use for crops, livestock, biofuels, forestry, and environmental services, as well as greenhouse gas emissions, with and without second-generation biofuels technology.

This new World Bank report provides some practical guidance on how utilities can define their own smart grid vision, identify priorities, and structure investment plans.

This study establishes a baseline inventory of the number, types, and approximate distribution of DG sets in use in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal and estimates air pollution emissions, including black carbon, from these generators.

The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a large and highly complex worldwide statistical program conducted under the charter of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC).

This report focuses on the risks of climate change to development in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and parts of Europe and Central Asia.

Beyond its terrible toll in human lives and suffering, the Ebola epidemic has inflicted a measurable economic impact on West Africa in terms of forgone output, higher fiscal deficits, rising prices, lower real household incomes, and greater poverty.

More than 3.5 million South Africans are lifted out of poverty through fiscal policy, which taxes the richer in society and redirects resources to raise the income of the poor through social spending programs, according to a recently released World Bank Group (WBG) report.

Climate change and climate policies will affect poverty reduction efforts through direct and immediate impacts on the poor and by affecting factors that condition poverty reduction, such as economic growth.

Based on forecasts of global population growth, food security will remain an important economic development issue over the next several decades. Real food prices have risen in recent years after decades of decline, bringing the issue of food security even further into the public spotlight.

Rapid urbanization and economic growth, new demographic trends, and climate change are key challenges that developing countries must face as they strive to meet growing energy demand.
