Global growth again disappointed in 2014 but a lackluster recovery is underway, with increasingly divergent prospects in major economies. Looking ahead, growth is expected to rise slowly, supported by continued recovery in high-income countries and receding domestic headwinds in developing economies.

In 2000 Ethiopia had one of the highest poverty rates in the world, with 56 percent of the population living on less than United States (U.S.) $1.25 purchasing power parity (PPP) a day.

Every policy relies on explicit or implicit assumptions about how people make choices. Those assumptions typically rest on an idealized model of how people think, rather than an understanding of how everyday thinking actually works.

Though securing a sustainable urban transport system in any city is a complex task, it can be achieved through the foundation of a clear vision, sound policies, comprehensive plans, and strong institutions. It needs strong champions who not only know what is to be done, but also have the influence and courage to execute their vision.

This note advises city leaders on how to manage the growth and transformation of urban forms toward an energy efficient and livable path through supportive planning policies, zoning regulations, and design guidelines.

What is second-generation biofuel technology worth to global society? A dynamic, computable partial equilibrium model (called FABLE) is used to assess changes in global land use for crops, livestock, biofuels, forestry, and environmental services, as well as greenhouse gas emissions, with and without second-generation biofuels technology.

This new World Bank report provides some practical guidance on how utilities can define their own smart grid vision, identify priorities, and structure investment plans.

This study establishes a baseline inventory of the number, types, and approximate distribution of DG sets in use in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal and estimates air pollution emissions, including black carbon, from these generators.

The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a large and highly complex worldwide statistical program conducted under the charter of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC).

This report focuses on the risks of climate change to development in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and parts of Europe and Central Asia.
