This report assesses the economic costs and benefits of decarbonising passenger cars and vans in the UK. A scenario approach has been developed to assess a range of possible futures for vehicle technology in the UK, and then economic modelling has been applied to assess impacts.

The last update of global fuel economy trends, published in 2013, concluded that, while global average fuel economy was improving, more needs to be done to meet the ambitious, yet realistic, GFEI target to cut by half the specific fuel consumption of new passenger light-duty vehicles (in Lge/100km) by 2030.

The hydrogen market in Japan is set to expand to 1 trillion yen ($9.8 billion) by 2030 and 8 trillion yen by 2050, according to a government report.

Banglore : For the first time in the country, a Hydrogen-powered automobile bus has been developed by Tata Motors and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) after several years of research.

India only major vehicle producing country in the world without fuel saving standards for cars. By 2030, India will be importing 94 per cent of its crude oil. But the country is making no serious efforts to prepare a fuel saving roadmap for all modes of transport, says CSE.

The Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) have launched the Global EV Outlook representing two years of data gathering and analysis of electric vehicle stock/sales and charging station deployment.

Europe faces a significant economic challenge. Ahead lies the task of reining in public debt, revitalizing stagnant economies and creating new opportunities for millions of jobless workers. At the same time, the European Union has committed to playing a lead role in tackling climate change.

Investing in ultra-low-sulfur fuel (ULSF, fuels with less than 10 ppm sulfur content) and clean vehicle technologies in India will not come without costs. But the benefits of these investments, in terms of reduced healthcare costs and higher productivity, far outweigh the costs. This paper discusses these issues in detail.

Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy has been a cornerstone of the world’s increasing prosperity and economic
growth since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Our use of energy in the twenty-first century must also be sustainable. Solar and water-based energy generation, and engineering of microbes to produce biofuels are a few examples of the
alternatives. This Perspective puts these opportunities into a larger context by relating them to a number of aspects in the

Everyday, with unfailing measure, they line up our city streets, hoping to make the quick dash, only to be sucked into smog, emissions and never ending traffic woes. Lined up as though in a factory assemly
