Three out of four U.S.

Though much intellectual energy has been expended on the “poverty problem” in India, the debate simply does not take into account the highly unequal social context in which poverty is produced and reproduced. Can we reflect on the right not to be poor without taking on these background inequalities? Arguably, the right not to be poor is best articulated as a subset of the generic right to equality. The concept of equality is, however, not self-explanatory. In many circles, redistributive justice has replaced equality. It is therefore time to ask the question – equality for what?

A Bill to re-enact the law to provide for establishment of an independent body of Himachal Lokayukta to inquire into complaints and allegations of corruption against public servants and public functionaries and for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto.

The Arctic is likely to attract substantial investment over the next ten years, potentially reaching 100 billion $ or more, according to the report “Arctic Opening” by Chatham House and Lloyd´s of London. The authors also point to risks: the environmental consequences of disasters in the Arctic are likely to be worse than in other regions.

The force used to break up a peaceful struggle will reinforce cynicism about the political system. (Editorial)

Issues of development and governance would decide the fate of an unpromising BSP, renascent SP, hopeful Congress and a dispirited BJP in a changed Uttar Pradesh

How much of the benefits of economic growth accrue directly to farmers and workers who lose their livelihoods when agricultural land is taken over for development? If handled properly, the Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill 2011 offers an opportunity for equitably addressing the interests of diverse sections affected by the land acquisition process

This analysis examines what the ubiquitous presence of political “brokers” who mediate many people’s access to state institutions reveals about the Indian state and the complex causes of corruption in Indian public life. Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Bihar since 2002, it reveals the role of brokers within both village power relations and the larger political system.

Report (Final) of the CEC regarding the mining leases surveyed by the joint team in districts Bellary, Chitradurga and Tumkur and related issues.

Full report available in the CSE Library.

Passengers on an unusual train journeying the through the thick of Punjab polls discuss their ailments afflicting an entire generation. Strangely, for the state's politics, which is as much blinded by materialism as the people there, these problems just don't exist.
